CHURCH: 727-849-4330

Thrift Store: 727-846-1378

Sunday Mass Times - 8 AM and 10 AM

5326 Charles Street

New Port Richey, Florida 34652

St. Stephens Episcopal Church

Welcomes You

We are a Healing Church 

in Jesus' Holy Name


Jesus Christ is the Head of this Church

St Stephen's Episcopal Church is an inclusive, welcoming, 

vibrant, Holy Spirit filled Church 

All Christians that are Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost are welcome to the table of the Lord regardless of denomination


Parish Organizations


Check out the Activities Calendar Page for all current and 

upcoming activities and events

Episcopal Church Women (E.C.W.)

Melanie Ayotte, President


Every woman of the church is a member of this organization. They meet the 1st Sunday of each month following the 10:00 Mass in Telman Hall.


The women sponsor and operate the Thrift Shop, which is located adjacent to the church, Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. 

ECW and Men's Club members clean the common areas including the church and Telman Hall the second Friday of each month, and as needed throughout the month.


ECW assists the Men's Club with the monthly dinner and bakes desserts that are sold in addition to the dinner on the third Saturday of each month.

The annual Cookie Walk and Bazaar is held in December for the benefit of the church. Those attending purchase and fill a box of baked goodies of their choosing from the kitchens of our Cookie Bakers, pick up unique crafted items and complete holiday shopping early, along with raffle baskets, refreshments and more. 



Episcopal Church Men (Mens Club)

Andrew Parfitt, President


All Parish men attending this parish are member of “The Men’s Club”. They meet the 1st Sunday of each month following the 10:00 Mass in Telman Hall.

Members sponsor a breakfast the first Saturday of each month at 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. 

The monthly dinner is prepared by the Men's Club on the third Saturday of each month. Tickets are available after 8 and 10 a.m. Mass and at the Thrift Shop through the third Wednesday of each month.


The Men’s Club donate time and talent toward the upkeep and maintenance of church property and facilities. 


Altar Guild

Delma Joseph


The altar guild is directly responsible to the rector for maintaining the altar and the appointments used in worship. The guild is also responsible for ordering flowers and preparing the Chancel for celebration of the Sacraments. Membership is open to any confirmed person willing to accept regular assignment to duty, following a period of training and apprenticeship.


Acolytes & Lay Readers



Acolytes assist in the conduct or worship by serving as crucifers, torch bearers and servers, . Children wishing to serve as acolytes must have parental approval, be willing to attend meetings for instruction and training, and serve when scheduled. Adults are welcome to participate as well.


Lay readers are licensed by the Bishop, to read lessons and prayers, as instructed by the Rector. Many are licensed to administer the chalice.


Music Ministry

Position Open, Organist/Choirmaster


The Episcopal Church has traditionally placed great emphasis on the importance of music as part of its worship service. The choir sings at the 10:00 a.m. service each Sunday. Participation is open to all musically-interested adults. Choir rehearsals are held each Sunday at 9:00 a.m.



Ushers welcome and greet visitors and members of the congregation, assist in seating when necessary, receive the offering for presentation at the altar, and direct communicants to the altar railing. This ministry is open to both men and women of the parish.

Visitation Ministry

Carol Morrow

This ministry of the parish consists of members of the Episcopal Church Women who visit, call and send cards to the sick and shut-ins. The group is part of the Episcopal Church Women which meets the first Sunday of the month.