Church - 727-849-4330
Thrift shop - 727-846-1378
Sunday Mass Times - 8 AM and 10 AM
5326 Charles Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
Episcopal Church Women

Episcopal Church Women (ECW) at St. Stephen’s is a vibrant, active group of women. All women who attend St. Stephen’s are a member of ECW. We encourage all women to join us at our monthly meetings, the first Sunday of each month following the 10 a.m. Mass in Telman Hall.


The women sponsor and operate the Thrift Shop, which is located adjacent to the church. It is open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


ECW sponsors the weekly Coffee Hour following the 8 and 10 a.m. Masses in Telman Hall, join in the cleaning of the church and Telman Hall, and sponsors other monthly activities.


Among the many fundraisers ECW sponsors, the Annual Cookie Walk and Holiday Bazaar is the largest event. It is held the first Saturday of December.


ECW assists the Men’s Club with the monthly dinner and bakes brownies that are sold in addition to the dinner, held on the third Saturday of each month.


ECW also offers catering for special occasions including Memorial Receptions. The memorial committee is a ministry of ECW. At the request of the family, ECW can provide a reception following a funeral or memorial service for the loved one. Contact Carol Morrow at the office of at 727-207-6079.

Lunch out with some members of ECW on February 8, 2025. 
ECW bakes brownies each month to be sold at the Men's Club monthly dinner. Here they are preparing to box up brownies, only $4 a box!