Church - 727-849-4330
Thrift shop - 727-846-1378
Sunday Mass Times - 8 AM and 10 AM
5326 Charles Street
New Port Richey, FL 34652
                 Men's Club

The Men’s Club at St. Stephen’s is an active group of men. All men who attend St. Stephen’s are a member of the Men’s Club. We encourage all men to join us at our monthly meetings, the first Sunday of each month following the 10 a.m. Mass in the library.


The Men’s Club sponsors the monthly breakfast held the first Saturday of each month and the monthly dinner held the third Saturday of each month, with assistance from ECW.


They join in the cleaning of the church and Telman Hall on a regular basis and assist with maintenance and grounds keeping as well.


They can be found cooking during ECW’s annual Cookie Walk as well as other activities