CHURCH: 727-4330

Thrift Store: 727-4330

5326 Charles Street
New Port Richey, FL

St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

Welcomes You

We are a Healing Church 

in Jesus' Holy Name


St. Stephen's Episcopal Church




St. Stephen's Episcopal Church

         Looking Ahead 

     March 2020

Daylight Saving Time begins March 8, 2020 at 2 a.m.


Lenten Series 2020 

Stations of the Cross (5:00 p.m.) & Souper Supper 

 Followed by Presentations & Discussions

Dates                  Topics

March 4            God’s Work; It’s Not About You!

March 11           God’s Invitation; Is Very Personal

March 18          Vestry Meeting – No Presentation

March 25          God Speaks; With Clarity and Purpose

April 1                God Initiates; You Get Involved

April 8               Making Room to Experience God


Rev. Fa. Walcott Hunter & Rev. Dn. Mercedes Marshall




Silent Healing Meditative Prayer

11:15 a.m.

Last Sunday of each Month

What is Meditative Prayer?

While in silent prayer one comes into Jesus’ presence to experience his compassion & healing. 

It is resting in the healing rays of Almighty God. 

Healing happens through prayer. 

In Centering Prayer, prayers go deeper and 

reach the areas needing healing

    Thrift Shop



Half price on most items first full week of January

Clothing Sale

Half Price Clothes First Full Week Of Month

Jewelry Sale

Half Price Jewelry Second full week of month

The Episcopal Church Women Meeting

   On the first Sunday of each month in the Church Hall    

Starting at 11:30 a.m. Light Lunch provided

The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) 

greatly appreciate your donations

Funds go to St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church

   Tai Chi

Tuesdays at 10:30 in the Church Hall


   Men’s Club Breakfast  

  First Saturday of every month $3.00 per person
Both Men and Ladies are invited

Angels Left Behind 

(Widows and Widowers)

 Saturday, January 11th at 2:00 p.m. 

    Widows and Widowers are invited to join us at

Different Restaurant Each Month

    Please sign up or call 727-849-4330 

      Youth Bowling

   Every Second Sunday of the month  

      Lane Glo South 

       8631 Old County Rd S.R. 54.
The special price of $5.00 gets you 3 games 

AND shoe rental after 6 p.m. 

       All are welcome to play or to cheer the Bowlers

   Food, Fun & Fellowship

Third Monday of each Month

   5:30 p.m. Social Appetizers and Drinks

   6 p.m. Dinner 

   Bring a dish and/or appetizer

Dessert will be furnished

Contribution $2.00

Sign-up at the Church Hall or 

   Call to get your name on the list




   Vestry Meeting: 

Third Wednesday of each month at 5 p.m.


Thrift Shop Sale – Half price sale on all items Mon., Mar. 2 thru Sat., Mar. 7. Mar. 9 thru Mar. 14 half price on all dishes. March 16 to 21 half price on men’s shirts and March 23 to 28 half price on glassware. The Episcopal Church Women (ECW) greatly appreciate your donations – Funds go to St. Stephen’s Church.


Episcopal Church Women - ECW Meeting will be held the first Sunday of the month (Mar. 1), following the 10:00 Mass.


Men’s Club Breakfast – Saturday, March 7, 8:30 a.m. $3.00. Ladies are invited.


Tai Chi – Classes meet every Tuesday, at 10:30 in Telman Hall. During March emphasis will be on balance. The class will show you very simple ways to increase your balance or maintain your balance. Class is $6.00 with $1.00 donated to the church.


Bowling – Every 2nd Sun. of each month. Sunday, March 8, 6 p.m. at Lane Glo South on old S.R. 54. The special price of $5.00 gets you 3 games and shoe rental after 6 p.m.


Father Hunter anticipates being out of the office March 9 through 13.


Corn Beef Dinner -- St. Patrick’s Day corn beef dinner will be held on Saturday, March 14th, at 5:30 p.m. Tickets are on sale, $12.00 per person.


Food, Fun & Fellowship Club – Mon., March 16 – 5:30 p.m. for social time, dinner at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish and/or a snack. Dessert will be furnished by the Hosts. Sign-up sheet is located in Telman Hall.


Vestry Meeting - Wed., March 18th, at 5:00 p.m.


Angels Left Behind – Meeting has been moved to Sat., March 21st – 2:00 p.m. Widows and widowers are invited to join us at Sioux City Steak House, 8515 Little Road, NPR.


Easter Lily Donations – Donations in honor of loved ones due by Palm Sunday, April 5th. Please use flower offering envelopes and place in offering plate. Envelopes can be found in pew racks, or in the narthex.


RENTAL OF CHURCH HALL – Based on availability, CALL: Church Office 727-849-4330.

RATES: $45/Hr. Plus $35 Cleaning Fee.



Renters do not have to be parishioners 

Based on availability 

Call the Church Office 727-849-4330

      RATES: $45/Hour
      Plus $35 Cleaning Fee




We are happy to welcome our new volunteers:

Sandy Blair, Office

Sandy will be working with Esther on Mondays

Margarite Darragh & Jackie Barnett, Altar Guild   

                       Breakdown of office assignments by day


Esther Lomax – prepares miscellaneous income deposit; processes bills for payment; enters burial information, baptisms, etc.; process requests for Garden of Remembrance plots, orders calendars when needed, order office supplies as needed.   Sandy Blair will be working with Esther 


Suzi Phelan: Types the weekly bulletin for Sunday service; maintain list and labels for homebound.



Cindy Winston: Works up the readings for the Sunday bulletin; send readings to lectors each week; prepare readings for the Sunday Bulletin insert; send information to CPA each week for contributions, and financial sheets. Runs copies of Bulletin.



Barb Gauss – prepares bulletins for home bound, and send; collate bulletins for Sunday service; process any bills that have come in since Monday.   

Thanks to Larry Trecartin and Steve Barnett who have been helping Barbara Wallace with the grounds work.

Mark these upcoming events on your calendar: